Render ‘Rails Style’ Partials in Sinatra

We love Sinatra. Not only does it make a great framework in its own right but in addition it can be used to mimic parts of rails in a real simple environment for front-end designers. Instead of having to get them set up and explain the whole of rails they just get a nice simple app to work on without having to worry about creating different controllers or even models.

Although there is not a 1 to 1 translation between a rails app and a sinatra one, it does allow these developers to work with things like haml in a really easy to work with environment.

One of the features that I was asked for recently though was “How do you render a partial in sinatra?”

Rendering Partials in Sinatra

Sinatra is a super-lightweight framework. Because of this it doesn’t have the notion of partials built into it. However, a partial, in its simplest form, is nothing more than a call out to render the template as a string and then embed that string into your page.

A quick look at the sinatra sites FAQs shows that partials can be rendered in the following way in erb.

<%= erb(:mypartial, :layout => false) %>

In haml you could use exactly the same thing but call haml like so.

= haml(:mypartial, :layout => false)

Notice that

:layout => false

is set to ensure that the layout is not also rendered.

Going a little further

The FAQs also recommend using the code in the following gist.

The code shows a helper method called partial. This helper method can be used to render a partial from your code. The helper also allows you to pass collections and is a really cool and useful piece of code.

Making things work the rails way

The above helpers are great and really useful for sinatra. However, what if you want to render a partial the ‘rails way’? In our situation we were using sinatra as a mock up of what would eventually be brought into a rails app. Rails allows partials to be included like so:

<%= render :partial => 'partial_name' %>

By overriding the built in render method in Sinatra it is actually possible to mimic the rails partials. I came up with the following helper to quickly mock things up. The helper checks to see if the first argument passed to is a hash and if that contains they key :partial. If so it renders the partial, if not it just uses the default render method.

  helpers do
    def render(*args)
      if args.first.is_a?(Hash) && args.first.keys.include?(:partial)
        return haml "_#{args.first[:partial]}".to_sym, :layout => false

The helper could easily by extended to allow for collections etc but for now it does the job. Any better solutions?

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